Publication details

"Síla přesvědčení" - Sakrální architektura na Moravě a ve Slezsku kolem roku 1800

Title in English The Power of Conviction - Sacral Architecture in Moravia and Silesia around 1800


Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description At the beginning of the transformation of the ecclesiastical landscape of the Habsburg monarchy around 1800 was the idea of Emperor Joseph II. He sought a unified utilitarian architecture with a visually declared distinction of public function of the Roman Catholic denomination and the private religious practice of tole- of the confessions (Augsburg, Helvetic, Greek Catholic). of this vision was to be ensured on the one hand by the Tolerance Patent and on the on the other hand, standardized plans and ideal budgets for the tasks of the Roman Catholic ifar churches financed from public funds. Their drafting and The General Directorate of Construction in Vienna, headed by the Franz Anton Hillebrandt. However, none of the plans were found to be perfect and were not sent to the provincial authorities.
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