Publication details

Sedimentary architecture of the southern part of the Carpathian Foredeep.

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NEHYBA Slavomír

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 23rd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology - Abstract Book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords sedimentology; Carpathian Foredeep; sequence stratigraphy
Description The Carpathian Foredeep is a peripheral foreland basin, formed by flexural downbuckling of the passive North European Plate (Bohemian Massif) in the foreland due to the loading of the Apine-Carpathian orogene belt. Southern part of the basin is filled by Neogene clastic deposits (Egerian to Lower Badenian i.e. 22,5 Ma-15,5 Ma). Shallow marine and coastal deposits strongly predominates (underfilled foreland basin). The sedimentary record of the basin was divided into genetically related depositional units, limited by key surfaces, and controlling factors of their sedimentation were defined. The study is based exclusively on subsurface data (drill cores, wireline logs, reflection seismic profiles). Five evolutional stages of the basin/3rd order depositional sequences were selected illustrating its dynamic evolution. Individual stages are typical by various basin shape, geometry, depositional architecture and character of the deposits, i.e. by various role of principal ruling factors (eustasy, tectonics, sediment supply, relief). Depositional sequences of 4th order (transgessive-regresive cycles) and their systems tracts were selected within these 3rd order sequences. Sequences of 4th order represents a period between 100 000 - 500 000 years. Such a subdivision of the basin fill allows us to appreciate the role of migration and uplift of both thrust front and forebulge in time and space.
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