Publication details

The genus Cochlearia L. (Brassicaceae) in the Eastern Carpathians and adjacent area



Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords chromosome number; chromosome size; Cruciferae; DNA content; endopolyploidy; flow cytometry; genome size; karyology; Maramure; morphology; phytosociology; polyploidy; Romania; scurvy grass
Description We analyse the status of two East Carpathian (Romanian) Cochlearia populations by comparing them with the two native species from the Western Carpathians, the diploid C. pyrenaica (2n=12; 2C=0.78pg) and hexaploid C. tatrae (2n=42; 2C=2.09 pg). Because of differences in morphology, 2n=48 and DNA content, 2.82pg, we propose the East Carpathian (Romanian) populations as a separate species, C. borzaeana (Coman et Nyár.) Pobed. The lectotype is designated. The new subassociation Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum Kovács et Felföldy 1958 cochlearietosum borzeanae is described. An isolated population of C. pyrenaica s.l. from Ukraine (2n=2x=12; 2C=0.91 pg) has been also studied, because of its unclear taxonomic position. The diploid chromosome number, 2n=2x=12, is given for this single known population of C. pyrenaica s.l. in Ukraine. However, there is considerable difference in genome size and chromosome size between West Carpathian C.pyrenaica s.s. and Ukrainian plants.
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