Publication details

Nové přístupy k analýze dat testu sémantického výběru

Title in English New approaches to the analysis of the data from the Semantic selection test

FILIP Miroslav URBÁNEK Tomáš

Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords Semantic Selection Test; item analysis; optimal scaling; Rasch model
Description The article concerns the psychometric questions of the Semantic Selection Test. First the traditional approach to data analysis is criticized because of its logical drawbacks and then two alternative approaches are proposed - the optimal scaling and the analysis based on the Rasch model. We prove that both approaches lead to comparable results - the optimal scaling to more general results obtainable even for very sparse data and the analysis based on the Rasch model to more detailed results but with more demanding computing procedure and stronger need of denser data. Application of both approaches with respect to their advantages and limitations reveals valid results which can be further interpreted according to the research or clinical context.

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