Publication details

Proces diagnostikování v terapeutickém vztahu

Title in English Process of diagnosing in a therapeutic relationship


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords diagnosis; therapeutic relationship; relational pattern
Description The use of diagnoses out of the psychotherapeutic relationship and the process of diagnosing within the psychotherapeutic relationship are distinguished in the article. Therapist acording to the actual situation during the therapy takes a position on the scale between an observing, diagnosing stance and a an attitude leading to a full contact, meeting. Therapist cannot separate himself from the proces of diagnosing during the therapy, he cocreates the diagnoses, which becomes the diagnosis of a the therapeutic relationship. Relations of this process are illustrated by a case study in the article.
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