Publication details

Possibilities of electronic maps in an emergency management



Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ochrana území postihnutých ničivými prírodnými pohromami
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords map; electronic map; emergency management; adaptive cartography
Description Classical paper maps and chart are often used like basic sources of geographic and topographic information in an emergency management. In paper maps there is much information but for given case only part of it is useful and the other is like a noise. During decision making process in the emergency management is very useful to use only information necessary for given case because of time pressure. Electronic maps enable to change their content according to situation that has to be solved. The methods of adaptive cartography can be used as the theoretical background and methodological procedures. Basic topographic situation is visualized e.g. only in a gray scale and thematic content in full colours in order to visually distinguish relevant information in time critical conditions. Thematic content for certain situation could be prepared from different information sources stored in databases in advance or during action. Web services (WMS, WFS) are proposed as technologies ensuring interoperability and compliancy with other crises management applications.
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