Publication details

Regularity in PDA Games Revisited



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference MEMICS 2008 proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords regular languages; probabilistic pushdown games; reachability
Description We study the regularity of sets of winning configurations in countable-state stochastic games played on transition graphs of pushdown automata (PDA games) with reachability objectives. Our main result is proving the regularity of the sets of winning configurations for qualitative reachability objectives. This completes the classification partially given in a previous paper on this topic. We also improve the upper bounds on the regular representation in cases already solved. We further mention a problem which has also been studied recently: determining the \emph{value} of a reachability game. Using our methods we prove the regularity of the set of configurations with value 1 and 0. Our work is related to recent results for stochastic games on countable graphs and sheds more light on some open problems in this area.
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