Publication details

EU Leonardo project SDI-EDU - Status Quo of INSPIRE Awareness at Local and Regional Level



Year of publication 2010
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Due to the INSPIRE Directive and its implementation each Member State has to transpose the INSPIRE Directive into its national legislation and to develop the interoperable services allowing the management and sharing of spatial data. There will be also requirements on spatial planning to accept the implementation rules of INSPIRE Directive. For two years, SDI-EDU is going to support training of spatial planners, architects, officers for spatial planning responsible to set up and use some of these services according to the specific problems of the EU regions on local and regional level. Thus the project will let the regions participate actively in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is the base collection of technologies, data, human resources, policies, institutional arrangements, and partnerships that enable the availability, exchange of, and access to geographically related information using common practices, protocols, and specifications. The concept of SDI resides in ‘working smarter not harder‘ by re-using data, technical capabilities, skills, intellectual effort and capital through sharing the costs of people, technology and infrastructure. Spatial Data Infrastructures rely on the development of policies, technologies, data, common standards, standard practices, protocols and specifications. Within the framework of the SDI-EDU project we intend to achieve a high level of cooperation between 10 partners involved in this project. The SDI-EDU project aims to transfer former and actual experience from EU research projects dealing with SDI and spatial planning like HUMBOLDT, NATURNET REDIME or PLAN4ALL towards spatial planners in European regions and municipalities. The European regions, provinces and municipalities will use the results of SDI-EDU to promote their cultural and socio-economic heritage and to find the Spatial Data Infrastructure useful to the regional management of their territories. The SDI-EDU project consortium will test and evaluate the utilities in order to extend the dissemination and distribution of resulting deliverables to other Member States.
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