Publication details

Multiword Expressions in Czech (a case study)

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PALA Karel ŠMERK Pavel

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Karlík a továrna na lingvistiku. Prof. Petru Karlíkovi k šedesátým narozeninám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Czech Multiword Expressions; Word Sketches; n-grams
Description This paper presents a multiword expression (MWE) database recently built for Czech that at the moment contains approx. 160,000 items (lexical units). It was compiled from various resources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, public databases of proper names and toponyms, collocations obtained from Czech WordNet, lists of botanical and zoological terms and others. We compare the built MWEs database with the corpus data from Czech National Corpus (approx. 100 mil. tokens) and internet-based CZES corpus (approx. 1 bil. tokens) and present results of this comparison in the paper. To obtain a more reliable and complete list of MWEs we have proposed and used a technique exploiting the Word Sketch Engine, which allows us to work with statistical parameters such as frequency of MWEs and their components as well as the salience for the whole MWEs. The list of bigrams and n-grams obtained via Word Sketch Engine was further analyzed and compared with the MWE database mentioned above.
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