Publication details

Katolická církev v českých zemích a její reakce na události roku 1989

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Title in English Catholic Church in the Czech Lands and its Reaction to the Events of the Year 1989

BALÍK Stanislav MAČALA Pavol MAREK Pavel HANUŠ Jiří

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Církve 19. a 20. století ve slovenské a české historiografii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Catholic Church; 1989
Description The aim of the contribution is to show how Catholic Church in the Czech Republic proceeded after 1989. First there are analyzed the events of November 1989 from the point of view of the Church. In the late times of the communist regime some of catholic activists cooperated with dissidents from the other sectors of society. But this cooperation was necessarily short-term, moreover ended after 1989 because the interests of the mentioned groups really differed. The Church was not ready for the freedom, it was surprised and it didn’t manage to fulfill the hopes of the society. It didn’t find a power to take care of the collaborators within the Church. In this sense Church showed that it is a real part of the Czech society which takes the same attitude to the problem of history. The position of the Church was complicated by the fact that in the last decades the shifts in the World Church in the connection with the Second Vatican Council started taking place. In the time of communism the Czech Church couldn’t react to these shifts and had to react quickly after the events of 1989. There were also problems with the structure of so called Silent Church, and last but not least the restitutions of the Church property.
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