Publication details

Od oboru k obsahu vzdělávání a učivu: z příběhu učitele-experta

Title in English From Academic Discipline to Educational Content: from the story of a teacher-expert

PÍŠOVÁ Michaela

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords subject didactics; communicative conception of subject didactics; teaching-learning-content; teacher as a creator and mediator of educational content; subject knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge
Description The article aims to contribute to deeper insight into one of the key areas of subject didactics, to deeper comprehension of educational content in one of the subjects of school education, \english language (domain specific), through a case study, a portrait of an expert teacher. With regard to the outcomes of the study and their comparison with other findings then an attempt will be made to formulate conclusions and new questions on the domain-general level.

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