Publication details

Nenahýbejte se z okna – úvahy na cestě z Brna do Norimberku

Title in English Do not lean out! Some thoughts on a journey from Brno to Nuremberg


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Karlík a továrna na lingvistiku. Prof. Petru Karlíkovi k šedesátým narozeninám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords directive infinitives; reflexive verbs; infinitive;
Description In this article, I discuss a hitherto unnoticed contrast between Czech and German reflexives. While the Czech reflexive is obligatory in all infinitival contexts, its German equivalent is obligatorily suppressed in contexts with infinitives used as directives. I make an attempt to formally derive this contrast in terms of a filter preventing feature clash between the German reflexive (specified for person and number) and a covert antecedent (specified for person but not for number). The main result of the discussion is that third person cannot be treated as redundant or simple default.

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