Publication details

Klimatická gramotnost žáků a učitelů

Title in English Limate literacy of pupils and teachers


Year of publication 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Currently, many scientists from different disciplines involved in the research of climate change. The amount of scientific knowledge about climate change is increasing every year, and the knowledge gap between scientists and the public is increasing. Elementary and secondary schools should be state of scientific knowledge in a simplified form to convey to their pupils. Scientific discoveries must be transformed into appropriate age levels and abilities of pupils, and must decide which pieces of information are important for basic understanding of the climate system. Experts from the scientific and educational communities are seeking to expand the existing curriculum of elementary and secondary schools and the establishment of educational programs aimed at the public climate literacy. Climate changes affect cross-cutting, operation of the climate system, however, is primarily on physical grounds. Therefore, just teachers of physics should be the issue of climate change familiar. The aim of the seminar is to introduce participating teachers to the concept of climate literacy, and to acquaint them with the results of a questionnaire survey which aimed to find out how to focus on the issue of teachers themselves. On show will also be specific classroom activities, tasks and experiments on selected phenomena and problems related to climate change.

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