Total number of publications: 38
Bias-Based Cyberaggression Related To Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Weight: Systematic Review of Young People’s Experiences, Risk and Protective Factors, and the Consequences
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, year: 2025, volume: 26, edition: 1, DOI
BoPo Online, BoPo Offline? Engagement with Body Positivity Posts, Positive Appearance Comments on Social Media, and Adolescents’ Appearance-Related Prosocial Tendencies
Computers in Human Behavior, year: 2025, volume: 162, edition: January, DOI
But whose harm? Towards the ethics of participatory advocacy journalism with unhoused populations
Journalism, year: 2025, volume: 26, edition: 1, DOI
Client-identified outcomes of individual psychotherapy : A qualitative meta-analysis
The Lancet Psychiatry, year: 2025, volume: 12, edition: 1, DOI
Comparing the Impacts of Czech ALMP Training Programmes Implemented During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic to Programmes in 2016 and 2019
Social Policy and Administration, year: 2025, DOI
Examining the Reciprocal Relationship Between Social Media Use and Perceived Social Support Among Adolescents : A Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Media Psychology, year: 2025, volume: 28, edition: 1, DOI
Fuming Mad and Jumping with Joy : Emotional Responses to Uncivil and Post-Truth Communication by Populist and Non-Populist Politicians on Facebook During the COVID-19 Crisis
Mass Communication and Society, year: 2025, volume: 28, edition: 1, DOI
Psychotherapists’ Experience with In-Session Use of Routine Outcome Monitoring : A Qualitative Meta-analysis
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, year: 2025, volume: 52, edition: 1, DOI
Shaky ground, shaky politics? Effects of Turkey’s 2023 earthquakes on Erdoğan’s political survival
Environmental Hazards, year: 2025, DOI
“That’s how the trust began” : Forming trusting friendships from adolescence to adulthood
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, year: 2025, volume: 42, edition: 1, DOI