Recognition of education – general information


Contacts – Masaryk University

Information on recognition of foreign education in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:

From 03. 02. 2025 until further notice, office hours are cancelled on Mondays. Office hours are still available from Tuesdays to Fridays.

Please note that in the period of September to June, personal and telephone enquiries are only dealt with during the office hours.

Office hours:

  • Tuesday: 13:00 – 15:00 (BcA. Magdalena Mazlová, Office for Studies, Masaryk University Rector's Office, tel. +420 549 494 530)
  • Wednesday: 9:00 – 11:00 (BcA. Magdalena Mazlová, Office for Studies, Masaryk University Rector's Office, tel. +420 549 494 530)
  • Thursday: 13:00 – 15:00 (Mgr. Jana Stejskalová, Office for Studies, Masaryk University Rector's Office, tel. +420 549 496 242)
  • Friday: 9:00 – 11:00 (Mgr. Jana Stejskalová, Office for Studies, Masaryk University Rector's Office, tel. +420 549 496 242)

In July and August, the office hours are cancelled, and staff is available only by e-mail.

For up to date changes of office hours see the Notifications section.

E-mail contact for questions regarding the recognition of foreign education in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:

Communication is possible solely in Czech and English.

Information on recognition of completed foreign education in doctoral degree programmes (Ph.D. and its equivalents; however, no MUDr., MD etc.):

  • Mgr. et Mgr. Jitka Šnejdrlová, Research and Development Office, Masaryk University Rector's Office, e-mail:, tel. +420 549 496 149

Information regarding the recognition process of a specific applicant is only provided to them or to a person that has been authorised by way of a notary-certified power of attorney (see the Attachments to application section).

Information about recognition of foreign higher education and qualification in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine

Applicants with temporary protection under Act No. 65/2022 Coll., on Certain Measures in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine Caused by the Invasion of the Russian Federation Troops do not have to pay the fee of CZK 3,000 for acts related to the procedure of recognition of foreign higher education and qualification. Since September 1, 2024, only applicants with temporary protection shorter than 12 months are exempt from the payment of this fee. 

In case the applicants with temporary protection are unable to submit documents certifying the previously completed education, they can provide a statutory declaration under Section 90(4) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended.

The certificate of temporary protection in the form of a simple copy signed by the applicant must be attached to the application.

If you need more information, please contact us. You can find the contacts here.

Before submitting the application – important information

In the Czech Republic, recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications is based on comparing the extent and contents of the foreign higher education with degree programmes of a similar focus accredited in CR. The object of the recognition process is a foreign higher education as well as a diploma.

In the case that the applicant wants to recognize more than one foreign higher education (more than one diploma), it is necessary to submit one application for each of the foreign higher educations (diplomas) separately and to pay the fee for each application (see the Application Fee section). The object of one application can be only one foreign higher education and thus only one diploma.

Authorities assessing foreign higher education and qualifications

  • A public higher education institution (HEI) with a similar degree programme accredited in the Czech Republic. Relevant institutions can be found e.g. in the list of accredited study programmes of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR (Czech only). A list of public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic is also available on the Ministry's website.
  • The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR:
    • In case of doubts, the Ministry appoints the respective HEI to assess the qualification, or makes the decision itself.
    • Acts as an appellate body for rejected applications.
  • The Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of the CR – decides on the recognition of foreign higher education related to military education.
  • The Ministry of the Interior of the CR – decides on the recognition of foreign higher education related to security service.

The process of foreign higher education and qualifications recognition at Masaryk University

The application can be submitted to Masaryk University in cases where the recognition relates to a degree programme that has a similar content as some of the degree programmes accredited at Masaryk University (Programmes catalogue and Fields of study catalogue).

If no similar accredited degree programme is available at Masaryk University, the applicant needs to look up a relevant degree programme at another public higher education institution in the Czech Republic (please see the Authorities assessing foreign higher education and qualifications section).

Instruction of the applicant as the subject of personal data

Masaryk University with its registered office at the address: Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno, ID: 00216224, VAT No.: CZ00216224, data box ID: 9tmj9e4, as the administrator of personal data within the fulfilment of the legal obligation to conduct administrative proceedings concerning an application for the recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications in the Czech Republic pursuant to the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendments of Other Acts (The Higher Education Act), as amended, and the Act No. 500/2004 Coll. on Administrative Procedure, as amended, in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation, informs the applicant that as the data subject he/she has the right:

  • To access to his/her own personal data
  • To correct inaccurate or false his/her own personal data
  • To request explanation in case of suspicion that the processing of his/her own personal data violates the protection of his/her personal and private life, or that the personal data are processed contrary to the law
  • To request the correction of a situation which is contrary to the law, in particular by stopping handling, correction, completion or removal of his/her own personal data
  • To contact The Office for Personal Data Protection
  • To ask deletion of his/her own personal data if these personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, or if it is found to have been processed illegally
  • To limit the processing of his/her own personal data
  • To his/her own personal data transfer
  • To raise an objection after which the processing of his/her own personal data is terminated, unless it is proved that there are serious legitimate reasons for processing that outweigh the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject, in particular if the reason is the possible enforcement of legal claims

Further information on the processing and protection of the personal data at Masaryk University is published on the Official Notice Board of Masaryk University.

Application Fee

Masaryk University requires, in accordance with the section 90a of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, a fee of CZK 3,000 is hereby introduced for acts associated with proceedings regarding the submission of an application for the recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications to a public higher education institution.

The fee must be paid simultaneously with the submission of the relevant application (see Application Submission). Information on fee payment in the form of an order number (ID) must be included in the application itself.

Should the applicant fail to pay the fee by application delivery, he/she will be asked to complete the payment. Failure to do so within a prescribed period shall result in the termination of all proceedings regarding the processing of the submitted application in accordance with section 66, subsection 1, letter c) of Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Code of Administrative Procedure; as a result, Masaryk University will thus decline any further processing of the application.

Application Submission

The procedure for the submission of an application for the recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications to Masaryk University is as follows:

  1. Confirmation of a degree programme – before submitting an application, it is necessary to make certain that Masaryk University is authorised to process such an application (see Before submitting the application – important information section).
  2. Application completion
    • Application form – the application must be filled out electronically, printed and signed.
    • Application requirements:
      • IS MU Shopping Center order number (ID)
      • The applicant's full name
      • Nationality
      • Date, place and country/state of birth
      • Gender
      • Permanent address (whether in or outside the Czech Republic)
      • Correspondence address (for receiving mail)
      • E-mail address, telephone number
      • Information about the foreign higher education institution (name; company address; website)
      • Information about the higher education in question (i.e. the one that the applicant wishes to be recognized): the degree programme / field of study; level of education; beginning and termination dates of the studies; standard length of study
      • Purpose of the application
      • Date of submitting the application
      • Applicant's own signature

      and, if appropriate

      • Full name and contact information of the assignee (according to notary-certified power of attorney, see the Attachments to application section)
  3. Payment of CZK 3,000 fee
    • Fee must be paid simultaneously with submission of an application via the IS MU Shopping Center.
    • Fee must be paid by credit card (in accordance with IS MU Shopping Center instructions).
    • Fee order number generated by the IS MU Shopping Center must be included in the application form to facilitate pairing with the actual application.
  4. Attachment of all relevant annexes (see Attachments to application)
  5. Application submission to the following address:
    • Applications for the recognition of foreign education in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programmes: Masaryk University Rector's Office, Office for Studies, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno
    • Applications for the recognition of foreign education in doctoral degree programmes: Masaryk University Rector's Office, Research and Development Office, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno

      It is recommended to send an application for the recognition of foreign higher education and qualification along with all its attachments as a letter-post with the value up to maximum of € 22. In case of higher value Masaryk University will have to pay a customs duty or a tax and this duty or tax then will be charged to the applicant.

Attachments to application

The following documents must be enclosed to the application:

Certificates and papers
  • Diploma:
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the applicant's diploma or a similar proof of completion of higher education with relevant signatures and stamps authentication (similar proof of completion of higher education is only acceptable if diplomas are not issued in the country concerned and graduates receive an equivalent document, such as a certificate, a confirmation etc., or a document that is not explicitly labelled).
    • A certified translation of the diploma (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
    • Note: Provisional or substitute documents are not acceptable.
  • Diploma Supplement:
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the applicant's Diploma Supplement (Transcript of Records or another listing of courses completed).
    • A certified translation of the Diploma Supplement (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
    • Note: The stamps and signatures on a Diploma Supplement do not need to be officially authenticated.
  • Documents regarding prior foreign higher education:
    • It relates to an application for the recognition of foreign higher education, which was preceded by another higher education (e.g. Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Specialist degree, Junior Bachelor’s / Junior Specialist degree, etc.).
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the applicant's diploma or a similar proof of completion of higher education.
    • A certified translation of the diploma (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the applicant's Diploma Supplement (Transcript of Records or another listing of courses completed).
    • A certified translation of the Diploma Supplement (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
  • Power of attorney:
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the power of attorney (including authentication of applicant's signature) – in cases where the applicant is represented by another person.
    • A certified translation of the power of attorney (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
    • Power of attorney requirements: full name, date of birth, permanent address and authenticated signature of the donor of power / principal and also full name, date of birth and permanent address of the attorney / assignee, date of granting the power of attorney and the specification of the acts, to which attorney / assignee is authorized.
    • Power of Attorney form for download.
  • Birth and marriage certificate:
    • A notary-certified copy of the birth certificate, the marriage certificate, or another proof of the change of the applicant's name, in cases where the name changed within the period between the diploma issue date and the date of the application (i.e. if the name of the applicant is different from the one on the diploma).
    • A certified translation of the certificate(s) (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).
  • Decision on international protection:
    • The original or a notary-certified copy of the decision on international protection granted in the form of asylum or subsidiary protection – if applicable.

Additional recommended attachments:

  • A copy of the applicant's ID or passport
  • Proof of the change of the higher education institution's name, in cases where the name changed within the period between the diploma issue date and the date of the application.
  • In case of education in doctoral degree programmes (Ph.D. and equivalents) an electronic version of CV, a list of publications and a dissertation (or a link to it, if published online, or at least its abstract) and its submitting to

All information stated in the submitted documents must be intelligible, i.e. every information that is not written in Czech or English must be officially translated (including e.g. notary clauses, interpreter clauses, certifications of authenticity of signatures and stamps, etc.).

Further documents relevant for the recognition procedure may be required in the course of the proceedings (e.g. syllabi of courses completed, institutional accreditation of the foreign higher education institution, accreditation of the degree programme, etc.).

Masaryk University does not automatically return the materials documenting the applicant's education and enclosed in the recognition application.

Signatures and stamps authentication

Masaryk University requires, in accordance with the section 90, subsection 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, authentication of signatures and stamps on the original of diplomas.

Means of authenticating the signatures and stamps occurring on the original of the diploma depend on the country that has issued it, i.e. where the applicant earned his/her education.

The following table contains a list of individual countries and requirements relating to the verification of diplomas gained in them.

The signatures and stamps authentication can be classified into three categories, depending on the (non)existence of an international agreement:

  • No authentication required: There is a valid bilateral agreement between the country and the Czech Republic, concerning mutual legal assistance. Diplomas issued in these countries are valid in the Czech Republic without the need of any further authentication of stamps and signatures.
  • Apostille: The respective country is a signatory to the multilateral treaty abolishing the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents (The Hague Convention). The authenticity of signatures and stamps on a diploma earned in one of the signatory countries must be certified by a so-called Apostille, issued by a competent authority of the country. For the list of competent authorities in all signatory countries please visit the Hague Conference website.
  • Superlegalization (Higher Authentication of Documents): Relates to other countries; the authenticity of signatures and stamps on diplomas issued in them has to be certified by means of a so-called superlegalization (Higher Authentication of Documents), i.e. verification of the diploma by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state which is the seat of the higher education institution that has issued the document (or its authorized foreign body), followed by the verification of the respective Czech representative office (embassy) based in the foreign country.

Application processing time

The standard processing time is 30 days from submitting the application (including all attachments); more complicated applications may take up to 60 days to process. The processing time does not include the time during which the application process is interrupted.

Appeal procedure

Applicants are entitled to submit an appeal within 15 days upon receiving the decision. The appeal is submitted to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through Masaryk University (or, in general terms, through the institution that has issued the decision). The university will either allow the appeal in full, or passes it on to the Czech Ministry of Education no later than 30 days upon receipt of the appeal. The Ministry will then issue a final decision.

Submitting an appeal against the decision of Masaryk University

Appeals against decision of the Masaryk University concerning the foreign higher education and qualifications recognition are submitted only in writing to the following addresses:

  • Education in Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes:
    • Masaryk University Rector's Office, Office for Studies, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno
  • Education in Doctoral degree programmes:
    • Masaryk University Rector's Office, Research and Development Office, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno

Appeal requirements

The appeal must include the following:

  • Full name of the applicant and – if applicable – of the authorised person (a notary-certified power of attorney must be enclosed)
  • Applicant's date of birth
  • Permanent address (whether in or outside the Czech Republic)
  • Correspondence address (for receiving mail)
  • Reference number and date of issuance of the decision being appealed against
  • Reasons for the appeal: what the scope of challenge is and where the conflict with legal regulations is perceived or where the incorrectness of the decision or proceedings lies
  • Date and applicant's own signature (or a signature of the authorised person – must be supplemented with a notary-certified power of attorney)

All facts stated in the appeal are necessary to be proved. Documents proving these facts must be in the form of originals or notary-certified copies with a certified translation (documents issued in English do not need to be translated).

Useful links


Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of the Czech Republic

  • State Secretary Division – Education Policy Department, nám. Svobody 471, 160 01 Praha-Dejvice
  • tel. +420 973 201 111,

Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic

  • Security Research and Police Education Department, Nad Štolou 936/3, p.s. 21/OBVV, 170 34 Praha 7
  • tel. +420 974 832 746, +420 974 832 687, fax +420 974 833 518, e-mail:,

Certified translators and public notaries

Legal regulations concerning the recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications


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