doc. Mgr. Pavel Caha, Ph.D.
Vice-dean for research and project management, Faculty of Arts
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. D/D.312
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4257 |
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social and academic networks: |
Curriculum Vitae
- About
- I am an associate professor at the Department of Czech Language, Masaryk University
- I got my PhD at CASTL in Tromsø
- I teach classes on syntax, morphology and typology
- I spend most of my research time solving morphological puzzles in the Nanosyntax framework
- CV in pdf
- In preparation
- Nanosyntax
In preparation for International Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, Elsevier
with Karen De Clercq, Michal Starke, Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
The syncretism between cause and purpose: An insight from Russian
In preparation for Case Markers and Adpositions as Subordinators, De Gruyter
with Irina Burukina
- Nanosyntax
- Accepted manuscripts (in press):
- The rich internal structure of gradable adjectives: Evidence from diminutive adjectives in Czech
Submitted to a volume on Degrees, De Gruyter
with Karen De Clercq, Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
Minimalism and Nanosyntax. Reconciling Late Insertion and the Borer-Chomsky Conjecture
To appear in The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism and Its Applications, Cambridge University Press -
Nanosyntax: some key features
To appear in The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology, Cambridge University Press
- The rich internal structure of gradable adjectives: Evidence from diminutive adjectives in Czech
- Published papers
- 2025
Nanosyntax: state of the art and recent developments
To appear in a volume on Nanosyntax, Oxford University Press
with Karen De Clercq, Michal Starke, Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
A local analysis of an apparent non-local allomorphy in Tamil: a perspective from Rutul
To appear in a volume on Nanosyntax, Oxford University Press -
Syncretism and markedness paradoxes in the Russian demonstrative declension
To appear in a volume on Nanosyntax, Oxford University Press
with Lucie Taraldsen Medová
2024 -
Allomorphy without Context Specification: A Case study of Czech Adjectival Stems
Morphology (preprint)
with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
The split-comparative hypothesis and the morphology of comparative adverbs in Czech
To appear in Journal of Slavic Linguistics,
with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
A default theory of default case
Glossa -
Root and stem allomorphy without multiple exponence: the case of special nominatives
2023 -
Case stacking
A chapter in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Morphology (preprint) -
Zero morphology and change-of-state verbs
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenshaft (preprint)
with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
Degree morphology
A chapter in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Morphology (preprint)
with Karen De Clercq, Michal Starke and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
The layered structure of concord: A Nanosyntactic approach
A chapter in The Many Facets of Agreement, LINCOM.
2022 -
The marking of mass, count and plural denotations in multi-dimensional paradigms
Studia Linguistica (preprint) -
A Nanosyntactic approach to Dutch deadjectival verbs
Linguistics in the Netherlands (preprint)
With Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
Prefixes in Czech zero-derived nominalizations and verbs
A chapter in Nominalizations and Participles in Czech and beyond, with Markéta Ziková -
The morphology of complex numerals: A cross-linguistic study
Lingbaw, with Lukáš Žoha and Marcin Wągiel
The present participle in Czech: a Nanosyntax account
A chapter in Nominalizations and Participles in Czech and beyond, with Petr Karlík
2021 -
Modeling declensions without declension features
Acta Linguistica Academica (preprint) -
Late Insertion and Root Suppletion
ReVel - Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, special issue on Nanosyntax,
with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
Nanosyntactic analysis of Turkish case system
Proceedings of TU+6, published by the Linguistic Society of America,
with Utku Türk -
Complex Simplex Numerals
Acta Linguistica Academica, with Marcin Wągiel (preprint)
2020 -
How to be positive
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, with Karen De Clercq, Michal Starke and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
Universal Semantic Features and the Typology of Cardinal Numerals
Catalan Journal of Linguistics, with Marcin Wągiel -
Locatives in Shona and Luganda
A chapter in Variation in P, Oxford University Press, with Marina Pantcheva (preprint) -
Syncretism in Nanosyntax and three types of passive participles in Czech
Naše řeč, With Lucie Taraldsen Medová
2019 -
The Fine Structure of the Comparative
Studia Linguistica, with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (preprint) -
Syncretism in Morphology.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (preprint)
2018 -
Notes on insertion in Distributed Morphology and Nanosyntax
A chapter in Exploring Nanosyntax, Oxford University Press (preprint) -
Syncretism as Merge F.
A chapter in The Unpublished Manuscript, a festshrift for Michal Starke.
2017 -
How (not) to derive a *ABA: The case of Blansitt’s generalisation.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. -
Suppletion and morpheme order: Are words special?
Journal of linguistics. -
Three Kinds of `Homogeneous’ Patterns of Czech Numerals:
A Phrasal Spell Out Account.
Proceedings of FASL 24 at NYU.
2016 -
Vowel length as evidence for a distinction between free and bound prefixes in Czech.
Acta Linguistica Hungarica. With Markéta Ziková. -
Explaining Bobaljik’s Root Suppletion Generalization as an instance of the Adjacency Condition (and beyond).
Proceedings of OLINCO.
2015 -
Czech Numerals and No Bundling.
Beyond Functional Sequence: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures 10. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
2014 -
The jungle of the Czech local cases.
Nominal Structures in Slavic and Beyond. De Gruyter.
2013 -
Explaining the structure of case paradigms by the mechanisms of Nanosyntax. The Classical Armenian nominal declension.
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
- Grants as PI
- 2025-2028: A life with Language: the nature and ontogeny of linguistic communication (here, here)
OP JAK SHUV grant, in collaboration with CEITEC, Charles University and the Psychology Institute of the Czech Academy of Science -
2025-2027: Stem Morphology
Czech Science Foundation, Standard grant -
2022-2024: Case marking in subordinate clauses (in collaboration with Genoveva Puskas, University of Geneva)
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR), Lead Agency Grant jointly with the Swiss SNSF -
2020-2022: Agreement Morphology (in collaboration with Svetlana Toldova, Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR), bilateral grant jointly with the Russian RFBR -
2017-2019: Exploring Linear Contiguity
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR), standard grant
- 2025-2028: A life with Language: the nature and ontogeny of linguistic communication (here, here)
- PhD students
- Maria Cortiula, PhD awarded 2023
jointly with Michal Starke -
Lucie Janků, PhD awarded 2022
Lucie got hired as a postdoc in Paris -
Fenna Bergsma, PhD awarded 2021 (summa cum laude)
Fenna got her PhD from the Goethe University, Frankfurt and I supervised her jointly with Katharina Hartmann (Frankfurt) -
Veronika Kloudová, PhD awarded 2020
Veronika got the highest grade and she won the prize for the best PhD thesis at the Faculty of Arts for the year 2020
- Maria Cortiula, PhD awarded 2023
- Invited talks
- 2025, Sept 10-12, 20th annual meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS), University of Verona
- 2025, Feb 7-8, Locality (across the board), Université Côte d’Azur
- 2025, Jan 29-31, Console, University of Göttingen
- 2025, Jan 17-18, Colloquium on Aspect and Mood, University of Geneva
- 2024, Nov 25, Chris Collins' morphology seminar, NYU, with Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd
- 2024, July 13-26, CreteLing, University of Crete, Rethymno, with Ora Matushansky
- 2024, June 4: The GuidoFest, KU Leuven, Brussels
- 2023, October 26, University of Konstanz Linguistics Colloquium
- 2023, October 16, Morpho-Syn Syndicate Speaker Series, Penn State University
- 2023, June 1-2: Degrees: Generative Perspectives, KU Leuven, Brussels
- 2023, Feb 9: Linguistics Colloquium, Humboldt University, Berlin
- 2022, Sept 22: Sinfonija 15, Udine
- 2022, Jul 25 - Aug 5: EGG, Brno
- 2022, June 15: Workshop on Individuation and Partition in Germanic and Slavic, Stuttgart.
- 2022, June 10: Morphology as Syntax 2, UCLA
- 2022, May 27: SCOL 22, Boğaziçi
- 2022, May 26: Parts & Wholes Workshop, Brno
2022, May 19: Zheijiang University Linguistics Colloquium
With Marcin Wągiel (slides ) -
2022, March 28: University of Pennsylvania Morpho-Syn Syndicate Speaker Series,
Root suppletion and phrasal lexicalisation: support from Korean,
With Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. -
2021, December 2:
MultEx@ZAS Workshop, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachnwissenshaft, Berlin
No Multiple exponence -
2021, October 29:
HSE Moscow
Nouns after numerals: singular, plural or neither? -
2021 June 9: Slavic Linguistics Colloquium, Humboldt University, Berlin
Causative-inchoative alternations of deadjectival verbs in Czech
With Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd -
2021, March 26: CNRS seminar, Université de Paris.
Degree Morphology: an overview
With Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd.
- Edited volumes
- Special issue on *ABA in Glossa. With Guido Vanden Wyngaerd.
- Festshrift for Petr Karlík. With Michal Starke and Markéta Ziková.
- Festshrift for Michal Starke. With Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd.
- Proceedings of Sinfonija 9. Part 1, Part 2. With Markéta Ziková.
- Proceedings of FDSL 10.5. With Mojmír Dočekal and Markéta Ziková.
- Varia
- A wix version of this site my son Miša made for me
- My Google Scholar profile
- A youtube talk within the series Linguistics Flash - Mobs. Epic battles in history
- I was invited for colloquium talks at MIT and Stanford
- 2021-2023, I was a member of the Academic Senate at the Faculty of Arts
- I won a university-wide running competition -- running the most kilometers over the course of five weeks
- Since 2020, I use this site to keep track of my reviews.
- I am a member of the editorial board at Open Slavic Linguistics, Continua (Penn State), The Rivista, Textbooks in Language Sciences