Project information
Digital spectrometric system of nuclear radiation (Spektrum)

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2011 - 12/2014
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics
Cooperating Organization
VF, a.s.

The aim of the project is to deliver a functional sample of a configurable
digital spectrometric system of nuclear radiation. The main results will be
substantial reduction in size, weight, and power consumption of the
spectrometric system compared with the current analog sets used for measuring
neutron and gamma spectra in mixed radiation fields. The digitizing of output
pulses from the detector will enable on-line (during measurement) or off-line
(after measurement) processing of carried information. The design makes use of
the digitized rising part of the pulses generated by detectors using organic
scintillators stilbene or NE-213, or proportional counters. The neutron-gamma
discrimination may be reached according to the rise time of the output pulse.
This requires digitizing with high sampling rate over 1 GHz with sufficient
dynamic range of amplitudes. The current development in digital technology - fast A/D converters, programmable gateway arrays (FPGA), and signal processors
(DSP) - offer the possibility (in addition to the above mentioned parameters)
to substantially increase the usability features of spectrometric systems (e.g.
discrimination of some part of piled-up pulses) and also reduction in
measurement time and in capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditure
(OPEX) of the spectrometric systems.


Total number of publications: 37

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