Publication details

X. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

Title in English X. students’ scientific conference of Czech language and literature department


Year of publication 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication presents contributions from a scientific conference, which was attended by bachelor, master and doctoral students on 15 March 2018. Two contributions deal with teaching Czech language as a foreign language (Jesika Oulehlová: Internationalism of Greek Origin and Alena Novotná: Common Mistakes of Pupils with a Different Mother Tongue in the Greek School in Greece), one contribution is devoted to the issue of communication (Miroslav Jindra: From the Stage to Auditorium ... / and back /. On the issues of communication with the theater stage with children's viewer), others are focused on literature for children and youth (Jitka Pušová: The Picture of Rural Reality in the Literature for Children and Youth between 1945-1999, Marie Drábková: Translations of Soviet literature for children and youth in the production of the State Publishing House of Children's Books in 1949-1959) and the literature written by children (Anna Hronová: Juvenile authors and their representation in the Czech literature between 1989-2015). The publication is concluded by papers oriented to literature for adults (Kristýna Klejdusova: Jirasek's drama Father - analysis of characters and motifs in the context of the general trends of the Czech theater of the 1990s and Ondřej Pechník: Thematization of exoticism in Czech prose after 2000).
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