Publication details

Podpora a financování terorismu - případ bývalého pražského imána

Title in English Promoting and financing of terorrism - case of former Prague Imam


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Legislatíva EÚ a jednotlivých štátov EÚ v oblasti boja proti terorizmu: výzvy pre Slovenskú republiku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords islam; terrorism; radicalization; jihad; foreign fighters; the status of women; prevention; EU
Description In our article we focus our attention to three selected criminal cases relating to the issue of terrorism, its promoting and financing in the Czech Repulblic. In this context, we also address related issuses such as causes of radicalisation, jihad, action of foreign fighters in terrorist organization and the status and role of women in them. We are trying to draw some conclusions from the above on how to address or at least eliminate these, stressing the need for cooperation from countries of the European Union.
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