Publication details

Mezi literární fikcí a životní realitou: o recepci dětského čtenářství v kontextu vývojové psychologie

Title in English Between literary fiction and life reality: about the reception of children's reading in the context of developmental psychology

JINDRA Miroslav LÍPOVÁ Magdaléna

Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description A child reader's reception is a very extensive area of human research, which includes a whole range of possible methodological approaches and targeting. The paper presents partial results of children's reading reception research, in the context of developmental psychology in children aged 8-9 years. It focuses on the topicality of the presented artistic text for the child recipient and its overlaps with the child's life. The research was carried out on primary school pupils as part of reading lessons using Lewis Carroll's literary work "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There". The presented results are based on the dissertation project "identification of younger school-age children with literary and theatrical work" and represent partial results of a part of group interviews, which were part of the qualitative phenomenological strategy of the whole dissertation project.
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