Publication details

DiSSECT: Distinguisher of Standard and Simulated Elliptic Curves via Traits

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SEDLÁČEK Vladimír SUCHÁNEK Vojtěch DUFKA Antonín SÝS Marek MATYÁŠ Václav

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference International Conference on Cryptology in Africa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Elliptic curves;Standards;Simulations;Testing tool
Description It can be tricky to trust elliptic curves standardized in a non-transparent way. To rectify this, we propose a systematic methodology for analyzing curves and statistically comparing them to the expected values of a large number of generic curves with the aim of identifying any deviations in the standard curves. For this purpose, we put together the largest publicly available database of standard curves. To identify unexpected properties of standard generation methods and curves, we simulate over 250 000 curves by mimicking the generation process of four standards. We compute 22 different properties of curves and analyze them with automated methods to pinpoint deviations in standard curves, pointing to possible weaknesses.
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