Publication details

Měření intrakraniálního tlaku při stereotaktické evakuaci spontánního intracerebrálního krvácení.

Title in English Monitoring of Intracerebral Pressure during Stereotactic Evacuation of Intracerebral Hemorrhagie


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pracovní dny ČNCHS 2004 - Finální program a abstrakta
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Neurology, neurosurgery, neurosciences
Keywords intracerebral haemorrhage; stereotactic evacuation; intracranial pressure
Description Spontaneous intracerebral haematomas acutely increase intracranial volume and reduce intracranial compliance. We analyse relationship between the preoperative intracranial pressure /ICP/ before and after stereotactic evacuation with recording of the intraparenchymal ICP and pressure in haematoma, with the analysis of the amplitude and form of the ICP note. There were 38 patients with supratentorial spontaneous intracerebral haematoma /ICH/. We have used frame-based stereotaxy with the Riechert-Mundingerś stereotactic system and the CT localisation. The ICP during stereotactic evacuation was measured peroperatively by parenchymal set, fy Codman. We have also analysed the form of the ICP note together with assessment of the level of decompensation. Our data and the analysis of dynamic changes occurring during the stereotactic evacuation suggest that this procedure significantly reduces the ICP caused by ICH and we believe that our results can improve management of patients with spontaneous intracerebral haematoma.
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