What fare discounts will I get while studying?

There are a number of transport discounts for students. However, two in particular will be of interest to you. The discount on public transport in Brno and the student fare, which you can use on all national carriers when travelling from home to school and vice versa.

Public transport in Brno

As of 1 January 2021, the Brno City Transport Company issues travel passes (in Brno it is called a "Šalinkarta") to full-time students only in electronic form. Thanks to cooperation between the Transport Company and the University, it is easy to create a pass.

How to apply for a pass?

  • Register on the website www.brnoid.cz.
  • Instructions for creating an electronic student ticket can be found HERE.

Student fares

From 1 September 2018, all students up to 26 years of age in the Czech Republic can now take advantage of a flat discount of 50 per cent on trains and buses, regardless of whether they are going to school or on holiday.

All students, regardless of nationality, are entitled to travel at half of the regular fare, so there is no need for Slovaks to worry about commuting to Brno for their studies. Just like their Czech colleagues, from September onwards, they will need either a valid ISIC card (valid with a sticker for the current year) or a validated student ID card; nothing else will be needed to claim the discount.

When purchasing a ticket at the ticket counter, in a vending machine or online, it is sufficient to select or declare the student fare, pay the appropriate reduced price and present one of the documents confirming your student status to the conductor on the train or bus together with the ticket.

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