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Degree programmes:
Biology, chemistry, geography and geology
Master's studies, full-time
Faculty of Pharmacy
(English)Faculty of Pharmacy
Specialist for Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology
Faculty of Medicine
Bachelor's studies, full-time
Faculty of Science
(No focus)
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Bioanalyst
- Biochemistry
Faculty of Informatics
Biology and Biochemistry
Faculty of Science
Biology with a view to Education
(for high school)
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Analytical Chemist - Manager of Chemical Laboratory
- Biophysical Chemistry
Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – Restoration
Faculty of Science
Chemistry for Education
Faculty of Education
Chemistry with a view to Education
(for high school)
Faculty of Science
Computational biology and biomedicine
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Biomedical bioinformatics
- Epidemiology and modeling
Cosmetic Products
Faculty of Pharmacy
Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Faculty of Science
Environment and Health
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Environmental health
- Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Environmental Studies
Faculty of Social Studies
Experimental and Molecular Biology
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Cell Biology
- Experimental Animal Biology and Immunology
- Experimental Plant Biology
- Human Biology and Paleogenetics
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
Geography and Cartography
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Geographical Cartography and Geoinformatics
- Geoinformatics and Regional Development
- Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development
- Physical Geography
- Social Geography
Geography and Cartography with a view to Education
(for high school)
Faculty of Science
Geography for Education
Faculty of Education
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Applied and environmental geology
Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics
Faculty of Science
Medical Laboratory Technologist
Faculty of Medicine
Natural Science for Education
Faculty of Education
Social Anthropology
Faculty of Social Studies
Water Resources Management
Faculty of Science
Bachelor's studies, combined
Data Analytics
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Applied and environmental geology
Master's studies, full-time
Programmes with open admission procedures
Faculty of Science
Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - Bioanalytic
Faculty of Science
Bioanalytical Laboratory Diagnostics in Medicine - Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics
Faculty of Science
Biochemical and Cellular Technologies
Faculty of Science
(No focus)
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Analytical biochemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biomolecular chemistry
- Genomics and Proteomics
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Phycology and Mycology
- Plant Biosystematics
- Plant Ecology
Cartography and geoinformatics
Faculty of Science
Cell Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Analytical Chemistry
- Biophysical Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Material Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Structural Chemistry
Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation – Restoration
Faculty of Science
Computational biology and biomedicine
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Biomedical bioinformatics
- Epidemiology and modeling
Environment and Health
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Environmental Biomedicine
- Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Environmental Studies
Faculty of Social Studies
Experimental Animal Biology and Immunology
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Developmental Biology
- Immunology
- Physiology
Experimental Plant Biology
Faculty of Science
Geoenvironmental risks and remediations
Faculty of Science
Geography of Global Environmental Change
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Applied and environmental geology
Human Biology
Faculty of Science
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry
Faculty of Education
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography
Faculty of Education
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Natural Science
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Molecular and Cell Biology
Faculty of Science
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Faculty of Science
Nature Conservation
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Nature Conservation - Botany
- Nature Conservation - Zoology
Physical geography
Faculty of Science
Social geography and regional development
Faculty of Science
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology
Faculty of Science
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography
Faculty of Science
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Water Resources Management
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Other programmes
Programmes with no open admission procedures
Teaching of Technical Drawing for Secondary Schools
Faculty of Science
Master's studies, combined
Geoenvironmental risks and remediations
Faculty of Science
Faculty of ScienceSpecialization options:
- Applied and environmental geology
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry
Faculty of Education