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CERC II: Mauritius - Point aux Piments

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Rok publikování 2017
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Report on data collection and results from one field site in a cross-cultural project aiming to help explain the emergence of large-scale cooperation. Among several contributing mechanisms, culturally evolved beliefs in moralistic gods seem to facilitate the extension of prosocial behavior toward more socially distant co-religionists. To test this hypothesis, the Random Allocation Game (RAG) and the Dictator Game (DG) in which participants allocated money between the self, local and distant co-religionists, and outgroups, were used, combined with surveys and ratings of moralistic gods as monitoring and punitive. Data collection took place in 2013 and 2015 in Point aux Piments, Mauritius.
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