Informace o publikaci

Towards the Floodplain and River Landscape Definition



Rok publikování 2014
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis The aim of this contribution is to show the existing approaches to definition of this landscape phenomenon and using appropriate analytical tools to evaluate the potential of each method. An important parameter is their usefulness for application of the legal standards in practice, and also their overall effectiveness with regard to the principles of sustainable development in the field of water and floodplain management. Applying the acquired knowledge can be seen also in the proposals and implementation of natural flood control measures on watercourses, in order to reduce the risk of flooding. The contribution points out the differences between various approaches to the delimitation of floodplain, resp. river landscape, reflected particularly in an environment of the small streams where the correct interpretation is often conditioned by the detailed field survey.
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