Aesthetics of Perfection – Between Organism and Mechanism

Společnost pro estetiku, Katedra environmentálních studií FSS MU a Seminář estetiky FF MU zvou na veřejnou přednášku

Between Organism and Mechanism

Přednáší: Agnieszka Bandura, PhD (Aesthetics Dept., Institute of Philosophy, University of Wroclaw / Academy of Fine Art and Design in Wroclaw)

First half of 20 th century resonated in various artistic ideals of what is modern and perfect and what are the basic criteria of perfection in works of art. The modernist artists, designers and architects were trying to establish an aesthetic “New Deal” (free of hegemony of traditional aesthetic values such as beauty or sublime), founding it on contradiction of an organism and a mechanism. These were, according to me, two extremes of modernist artistic practice in which perfection meant making art more adaptable to nature (connatural) or making it more efficient (mechanical).
I would like to present and discuss some examples of those trends, rooted in a modern philosophy, trying to define artistic meaning of “perfection” in a modern and contemporary art and architecture.

Přednáška bude proslovena v angličtině.

Seminář estetiky (Filozofická fakulta)
Katedra environmentálních studií (Fakulta sociálních studií)
Společnost pro estetiku
doc. Mgr. Karel Stibral, Ph.D.
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