Introduction to Environmental Anthropology

The course aims to introduce some of the current debates and proposals in the field of "Environmental Anthropology". This field focuses on two different core topics: on the one side the multiple forms in which historically and in contemporaneity the people produce interrelations with the environment and on the other side the study of the multispecies dimensions of our experiences. The field of environmental anthropology is assuming a growing pervasiveness in current times, with the proliferation of environmental crises, such as climate change and global warming, so the course become more urgent. In the course, a series of six lectures introduce these two aspects in a complementary way, allowing the participant to access the development of the discipline and the current main debates. Each lecture is organised into specific topics that introduce detailed theories and case studies, in order to provide a significant panorama. The goal is to provide an introduction to the field and to stimulate curiosity for possible follow-up experiences.

The course ends with a microcertificate.

The implementation of the course was supported by the National Recovery Plan as part of the MUNI 3.2.1 project, registration number NPO_MUNI_MSMT-16606/2022

The course is offered to all interested people, and it does not require any previous knowledge.

Termíny kurzu



Díky podpoře z projektu Národního Plánu Obnovy MUNI 3.2.1

Místo konání

Online kurz 

Přihlásit se

Termín přihlášení
do 30. 6. 2026 (včetně)

Vše o studiu

Co se naučíte

The course is organised in a series of 6 lectures, and each of these in specific topics which cover both theoretical debates and specific case studies. The course contents are organised in both texts and hyperlinks to additional sources.

Uplatnění znalostí

The graduate is familiar with some current debates and outputs on the topic of "environment" as a part of our experience in anthropology and beyond.
The graduate is able to define the term environment in its polysemy through the lens of social anthropology, on the one hand as something shaping our lives, on the other hand as the result of multispecies interactions.
The graduate is receptive to our diverse experiences associated with the environment as a material, symbolical and sensorial experience in a broad context.
The graduate is able to describe and critically reflect on the human-environment interactions, to mobilise these reflections to promote intercultural dialogues, and to stimulate public engagement.
The graduate acquired basic skills in producing theoretical and ethnographic reflections to deepen her/his own experiences and disseminate them.

Jak se přihlásit

Přijímací řízení

Registration for the course takes place by placing an order for the course at the MU Office. The course order is made by the interested party in person.

Podmínky pro přijetí

No prerequisites for enrolment.

Průběh studia, lektoři

Podmínky pro ukončení

Students will complete the course by reading all the materials.


Paride Bollettin, MSc., Ph.D.

PhDr. Patrick Laviolette, PhD.

Kelly Marie Sambucci

MVDr. Barbora Červená, Ph.D.

Rochelle Foltram

Informace o kurzu

Zajišťuje Přírodovědecká fakulta
Paride Bollettin, MSc., Ph.D.
Hodinová dotace 18
Délka vzdělávání v týdnech 6
Mikrocertifikát Ano

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