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Vylučujúca povaha utvárania českej národnej identity v súvislosti s rómskym obyvateľstvom

Název česky Vylučující povaha utváření české národní identity v souvislosti s romským obyvatelstvem


Rok publikování 2012
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Sociální studia
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor Sociologie, demografie
Klíčová slova identity construction; practices of social exclusion; symbolic boundaries; stigmatisation; Czech national identity; Roma exclusion
Popis This theoretical paper deals with identity construction in the Czech society that involves demarcation between the dominant group and the minorities with whom they share a common territory, especially the Roma ethnic group. This demarcation necessarily involves practices through which ‘the others’ are displaced and kept out of the mainstream of society, and the legitimisation of these practices. In this paper the method of identity construction through the opposing characteristics and the nature of Czech national identity (continually endangered and questioned in its basic features) are seen as the basic sources of this demarcation. This reveals one of the fundamental roots of the non-inclusivity of Czech society, which predominantly touches the most vulnerable Roma ethnic group. Exclusion takes place through the reference to Roma unwillingness to work and fulfil the duties of fully-fledged Czech citizens and through reference to their different (inferior) culture that hinders their integration into the mainstream of society.

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