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Vývoj přístupů ke zkoumání venkova v rurální sociologii


DELÍN Miloslav POSPĚCH Pavel

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review
Klíčová slova rural; rural sociology; review; cultural turn
Popis This review paper presents a comprehensive summary of the various approaches towards the study of the rural in rural sociology. It starts with sociological classics Tönnies, Durkheim and Weber and proceeds through establishment of rural sociology as a separate discipline in the early 20th century USA and its post-war development in Europe to the present paradigmatic multitude. The review highlights the key contradictions between structural and cultural approaches on the one hand, and between basic and applied rural sociology on the other. In the final part, a brief review of the present Czech and Slovak rural sociology is presented

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