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Immediate Effect of Physical Exercise on Blood Flow Velocity in Radial Artery in Young Adults


JŮZA Tomáš VLK Daniel

Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Lékař a technika
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Klíčová slova blood flow velocity, radial artery, doppler ultrasound, local physical exercise
Popis Purpose: Quantify changes in blood flow velocity in the radial artery after local dynamic exercise and compare these results between a group of women and men. Acquire data of normal resting blood flow in the radial artery. Methods: We examined 42 healthy young volunteers (21 men and 21 women) of the age about 20. A pocket Doppler ultrasound device was used for measurements. Physical exercise was defined as one-minute-long, one-handed weightlifting. Hemodynamic parameters were registered during resting before exercise and immediately after exercise. Results: Resting baseline values: overall maximum blood flow velocity 26.49 cm/s (SD: 9.99 cm/s), mean blood flow velocity 8.46 cm/s (SD: 6.17 cm/s), and pulsatility index (PI) 5.46 (SD: 5.7) for the whole group. Mean percentage increase of maximum blood flow velocity is 36.5%, mean blood flow velocity 243%. PI was reduced by 52.8%. There was a presumed significant difference in the percentage change of PI between the group of women and men (p<0.05). There is also a typical change in velocity waveform after exercise. Conclusion: The most altered parameter is mean blood flow velocity, which corresponds to an observed change of velocity waveform probably caused by local vasodilatation lasting only for several seconds.

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