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Metalový svätec Rob Halford : Prečo máme potrebu zbožšťovať našich obľúbených muzikantov?



Rok publikování 2019
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The conference paper discusses the possible relations between popular music (specifically heavy metal) and religion (concretely religious vocabulary) in modern society. The autor is noticing a phenomenon inside metal community which can be described as a transformation of metal singers and musicianns into object of the cult of metal fans.The main goal of the presentation was to discuss how the most popular musicians in genre became idols and later are described in religious vocabulary, with an example of Rob Halford, known among metalheads as "Metal God". Why he became a person, who is "saint" for many metal fans? Answers for this question were indicated first in socio-economic roots fo metal music and analysis of the reproduction of heavy metal. Then the qualities of Rob Halford, which made him an idol, were presented and from this point I discussed how it is possible that an idol can become a person with sacred qualities, which are crossing the original musical goals of the musicians. At the end of the paper, posibble sociological lines of research of metal music were presented, while metal being understood as one of possible substitions of religion in modern society.
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