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Czech Audiences in the Digital Age: Between Liberation and Surveillance

Název česky Česká publika v digitálním věku: Mezi osvobozením a dohledem


Rok publikování 2020
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Drawing on original research into contemporary Czech audiences, we will look at a specific audience portfolio segment – convergent audiences. Due to the technological evolution and user possibilities brought by social media, subscription video-on-demand services, advertisement on-demand services, or piracy, we are witnessing monumental and sudden changes in the notion of what it means to be an audience member nowadays. That is why, while conceptually standing in between techno (or user)-optimistic and techno-pessimistic theories, we will reflect on the changes happening in the small peripheral AV industry market of the Czech Republic regarding the existence of convergent audiences. The talk will be based on the results of a three-year project, during which semi-structured interviews with audiences (n= 98) and industry representatives (n=12) and one representative survey (n=4294) were conducted.

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