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Enemy image? A comparative analysis of the Russian federation’s role and position in the leading national security documents of Estonia and the Czech Republic


BARTOSZEWICZ Monika Gabriela PRUCKOVÁ Michaela

Rok publikování 2023
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

www Open access časopisu
Klíčová slova war; enemy image; strategic documents; security policy; Czech Republic; Estonia; Russian federation
Přiložené soubory
Popis States are security-seekers vis-a-vis ‘significant others’ who are cast as enemies in the international system. Usually, the study of the enemy image is connected with relative equilibrium concerning power capabilities. Less attention was given to a situation of a decisive power imbalance. Thus, a question arises whether such a situation will lead to a uniform enemy image? Concomitantly, what is the impact of the enemy image on security-related behaviour and policy preferences? To shed light on this problem, we analyse the strategic security documents of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Estonia to explore how they project the Russian Federation into their security discourses. By engaging the broader question of the discursive construction of the enemy in the national security documents, we seek to contribute to how vernacular perspectives feed into the regional dynamic of Central Eastern Europe understood either as an EU region or as NATO’s Eastern Flank.

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