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Effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in guinea pig heart preparations.



Rok publikování 2002
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research.
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor Fyziologie
Klíčová slova sigma receptor; haloperidol; guinea pig heart; mechanical restitution
Popis Our previous experiments with sigma receptor ligands in rat myocytes and isolated hearts revealed that these receptors play a role in modulation of contractility. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in the multicellular guinea pig heart preparations. Left atrium and papillary muscle from the right ventricle of 19 adult male guinea pigs were used. Stimulated twitches were recorded in horizontal perfusion baht in the isometrical mode. The effects of haloperidol on the amplitude of twitch and on the restitution of contractility were investigated. In all experiments, marked positive inotropic effect was observed. The mechanical restitution pattern under the effect of sigma receptor ligand was not altered. Thus, the positive inotropic effect of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol was confirmed also in guinea pig atrial and ventricular multicellular heart preparations. According to its effect on the mechanical restitution we can assume that it is mediated via increased cytoplasmatic Ca2+ concentration.

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