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Excess bromide in the lactating rat is transferred through mother's milk to the suckling

Název česky Nadbytečný bromid u laktujících samic potkana je přenášen mateřským mlékem na kojená mláďata

PAVELKA Stanislav

Rok publikování 2002
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Effects of a high bromide intake in lactating rats on the performance of the dams and on the prosperity of the young were studied. Very high intake of bromide in the dams in the course of the lactation period caused a marked decrease in the body weight increments in the sucklings. Bromide ions easily penetrated into the rat milk and via mother's milk were transferred in a large extent to the sucklings. In the dams, there were two striking consequences undoubtedly caused by high bromide intake: stagnation in the extent of diet and water consumption in the course of the nursing period, and a drop in the production rate of mother's milk.
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