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Poststructuralist models for polysemic signs – The example of ‘love’


CUSIMANO Christophe Gérard L. DUPUIS Joachim

Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Journal of Literary and Linguistic Studies
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Obor Jazykověda
Klíčová slova post-structuralism; model; virtual; actual; achievment; love; linguistics; philosophy
Popis In the present paper, the main intention is to apply new models to polysemic empirical objects, particularly ‘amour’ in French: indeed, we plan to explore, in a novel way, the problem of the plurality of meanings that a word can express. To this purpose, we rely on previous works, particularly on our main publication concerning the topic, “Polysemy: General Semantics Essay,” for which a section is devoted here to recall its main insights. This is followed by a lengthy consideration of the status of models in post-structuralism, which serves as a preparation for the last section, where we try to adapt one of these models to linguistic facts.

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