Počet publikací: 2978
Evaluation of viscoelastic parameters and photo-based assessment of newly developed dermal substitutes modified with thermostabilized fibroblast growth factor 2
Burns, rok: 2024, ročník: 50, vydání: 6, DOI
Everyday Aesthetics and Gratitude
Contemporary Aesthetics, rok: 2024, ročník: 22, vydání: 2
Evidence for heavy-seed origin of early supermassive black holes from a z ≈ 10 X-ray quasar
Nature Astronomy, rok: 2024, ročník: 8, vydání: 1, DOI
Evidence-based commentary on the diagnosis, management, and further research of degenerative cervical spinal cord compression in the absence of clinical symptoms of myelopathy
Frontiers in Neurology, rok: 2024, ročník: 15, vydání: May 2024, DOI
Evoluce kožních náhrad ‒ kožní kryty v moderní éře zdravotnictví
Rozhledy v chirurgii, rok: 2024, ročník: 103, vydání: 6, DOI
Evolution of BD-14 3065b (TOI-4987b) from giant planet to brown dwarf as possible evidence of deuterium burning at old stellar ages
ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, rok: 2024, ročník: 688, vydání: August, DOI
Evolution of environmental chemistry study program curricula in tertiary education: a case study and general implications
Evolution of Weichselian aeolian strata on a coarse-grained substrate in a rugged piedmont topography: A case study from the foothills of the eastern Sudetes Mts., Czechia
Aeolian Research, rok: 2024, ročník: 67-69, vydání: September 2024, DOI
Examining the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and disruptions in cortical networks identified using data-driven methods
Neuropsychopharmacology, rok: 2024, ročník: 49, vydání: 3, DOI
Examining the effects of supportive work environment and organizational learning culture on organizational performance in Information Technology companies: The mediating role of learning agility and organizational innovation
Innovation-Organization & Management, rok: 2024, ročník: 26, vydání: 2, DOI