Pomaturitní magisterské studium v prezenční formě v anglickém jazyce.
Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově. Studium je zpoplatněno částkou 7 500 EUR za akademický rok.
Termín podání přihlášky v závislosti na zvoleném přijímacím řízení (půlnoc 31. 5. 2025 nebo 31. 7. 2025)
Co se naučíte
The Master's degree programme Pharmacy is designed to meet the current level of pharmaceutical, medical, and natural sciences, the needs of the practice, and to be a quality basis for further education (doctoral degree programme, post-gradual specialization, and lifelong education). It is carried out in full-time form and the standard period of study is five years. The goal of education in the programme Pharmacy is to prepare graduates to practice the healthcare profession of a pharmacist and to acquire general and special knowledge about medicines, which leads to maximizing the effect and minimizing risks for the patient and society. The study is ended with a state final exam, which includes the defence of a diploma thesis. The programme allows students to choose elective subjects in order to a higher degree of specialization and adaptation to individual interests. The content of education is in accrodance with the requirements of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 187/2009 Coll. on the minimum requirements for study programs in general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and the educational program in general practical medicine and Government Regulation No. 275/2016 Coll. on areas of education in higher education.
The goal is to enable the acquisition of knowledge about:
- medicines and substances used in the production and preparation of medicinal products, their safe and effective use, effectiveness and indications, contraindications, interactions, dosage and method of administration, health prevention when working with pharmaceutical products, chemical, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and substances toxic to reproduction,
- metabolism and effects of medicines, pharmacokinetics, as well as about the effects of toxic substances, and about the way of using medicines,
- pharmaceutical technology, preclinical and clinical trials of medicines, and on clinical pharmacy,
- scientific and practical knowledge enabling to provide appropriate information about medicines and to cooperate with attending physicians in optimizing pharmacotherapy for specific patients,
- health promotion preparations and medical devices,
- basic legal regulations related to healthcare and the profession of pharmacist,
- provision of professional information about medicines,
- radiation protection,
- professional ethics of pharmacist-patient contact,
- issues of healthcare financing and basic economic relations, knowledge of the basics of management,
- the basics of managing the quality of healthcare provided and ensuring the safety of patients;
and skills at:
- preparation of dosage forms of medicinal products,
- production and control of medicines,
- storage and distribution of medicines,
- preparation, control, storage, and dispensing of medicinal products in pharmacies,
- practical communication with the patient with an emphasis on patient rights and their application.
Among the minimum requirements for obtaining the professional qualification of pharmacist belongs the obligation to complete at least 6 months of practical training in a pharmacy. The content and scope of professional practice is fully in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC, on the recognition of professional qualifications and its amendment 20013/ 55/EC, and corresponds to Act No. 95/2004 Coll., on the conditions for obtaining and recognizing professional competence and specialized competence to perform the medical profession of doctor, dentist and pharmacist, as amended, and its implementing decree No. 187/2009 Coll. , on the minimum requirements for the study programs of general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and the educational program of general practical medicine, as amended.
During the internship, students perform professional activities under the supervision of a qualified employee of the healthcare facility (trainer). The practice gives students the opportunity to become familiar with the daily operation of pharmacy care facilities and to participate in all professional pharmacy activities, thereby achieving the required connection of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Students also have the opportunity to choose from a range of elective subjects and attend professional practical training at a workplace other than a pharmacy (pharmaceutical industry, wholesaler, control, medicines information centers, medical device dispensaries, medical laboratories, scientific research institutions, social care and veterinary care facilities, etc.).
Chcete vědět víc?
Uplatnění absolventů
A graduate of the degree programme can be employed as a:
- pharmacist in facilities providing pharmaceutical care,
- clinical pharmacist in hospitals, possibly other healthcare facilities,
- bioanalyst in healthcare laboratories,
- professional in laboratories for research, development, and drug control,
- professional in pharmaceutical production and wholesaler companies,
- academic/researcher in the academic sphere and in other institutions dealing with science, research, development, and innovation,
- professional in the management structures of healthcare,
- expert/researcher in the field of chemical, food, and cosmetic industry,
- expert/consultant in the non-profit sector involved in the protection, support, and development of the health of individuals and specific groups of the population
Podmínky přijetí
Pharmacy in English 2025/2026 - for applicants residing outside of EU
— Termín podání přihlášky do půlnoci 31. 5. 2025
Pharmacy in English 2025/2026 - for applicants residing within EU
— Termín podání přihlášky do půlnoci 31. 7. 2025
Termín pro podání přihlášek
Pharmacy in English 2025/2026 - for applicants residing outside of EU
Termín pro podání přihlášek
Pharmacy in English 2025/2026 - for applicants residing within EU
Předměty – příklad průchodu studiem
Jak může vypadat vaše studium:
1. semestr
2. semestr
3. semestr
4. semestr
5. semestr
- Medicinal Chemistry II
- Pharmacognosy I
- Pharmacy Practice
- Theory of Dosage Forms
- Toxicology
- Antioxidants and Free Radicals
- Antioxidants and Free Radicals - practical classes
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Economics of Health Care
- Explant Cultures
- General Ecology and Ecology of Human Health
- Immunology for Pharmacists
- Methods of Molecular Biology
- Preclinical and Clinical Trials of Medicines
6. semestr
- Pharmacognosy II
- Pharmacology I
- Pharmacy Internship I - 2 weeks
- Biotechnology of Drugs
- Biotechnology of Drugs - Practical Classes
- Forensic Analysis Methods
- Herbal Medicinal Products
- Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Excipients
- Industrial Pharmacy
- Marketing Authorisation of Pharmaceuticals
- Medical Devices
- Molecular Principles of Drug Design
- Principles of Molecular Modelling
- Structural Biology and Proteomics
- Substance Interactions Analysis
7. semestr
- Analysis of Drugs
- Biopharmaceuticals
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I
- Dosage Forms and Biopharmacy I
- Pharmaceutical Care I
- Pharmacology II
- Pharmacy Law and Ethics
- Homeopathic Medicinal Products
- Immunopharmacology
- Instrumental Analytical Methods in Pharmaceutical Technology
- Non-prescription Medicines
- Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacogenomics - Practical Classes
- Toxicology of Natural Compounds
8. semestr
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis II
- Diploma Thesis II
- Dosage Forms and Biopharmacy II
- Pharmaceutical Care II
- Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology
- Social Pharmacy
- Advanced Drug Delivery
- Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
- Cosmetic Products
- Geriatric Pharmacotherapy
- Health Coaching
- Methods of Evaluation and Formulation Dossiers of Medicinal Products
- Oncology Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Analysis in Industry
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacy Counselling
- Radiopharmaceuticals
- Risk Management in Pharmacotherapy
- Technology of Hospital Pharmaceuticals
9. semestr
10. semestr
Podrobné informace o předmětech studijního plánu
Informace o studiu
Zajišťuje | Farmaceutická fakulta | |
Typ studia | magisterský | |
Forma | prezenční | ano |
kombinovaná | ne | |
distanční | ne | |
Možnosti studia | jednooborově | ano |
jednooborově se specializací | ne | |
v kombinaci s jiným programem | ne | |
Doba studia | 5 let | |
Vyučovací jazyk | angličtina | |
Bodové hranice a počty přijatých z minulých let | ||
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok |
7 500 EUR Více informací |
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