Informace o publikaci
Časová komplexita a umění: Post-současné umění jako reakce na nedostatečnost
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Rok publikování | 2022 |
Druh | Kapitola v knize |
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Popis | This publication aims to map the thinking about space in contemporary philosophy, media studies and art theory through selected texts. It comes from the need to clarify how we conceive of space in the 21st century. How abstract is our thinking and how much does this abstraction make space real? What types of spaces exist and how can they be created? How much does this space creation affect globalization, the advent of the Internet and the environmental crisis? How to think about the planet? And what is the genealogy of this thinking in contemporary philosophy and art? The book contains texts by Jozef Mrva Jr., Lukáš Likavčan, Palo Fabuš and Veronika Sellner. |
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