prof. RNDr. Jakub Hofman, Ph.D.
vedoucí pracoviště – Půdní environmentální chemie a toxikologie
korespondenční adresa:
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno
kancelář: bud. D29/314
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
Počet publikací: 185
Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities around an Industrial Source
Book of Abstracts - SECOTOX 2002, Trends and Advances in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno, 14-16/10/2002, rok: 2002
Using microbial summary parameters as biological indicators of soil quality in long term cultivation of real soils
Book of Abstracts - SECOTOX 2002, Trends and Advances in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno, 14-16/10/2002, rok: 2002
Vícerozměrné hodnocení biologické kvality půd: validace bioindikačních a diskriminačních schopností
Sborník pracovní konference - Ekotoxikologické Biotesty I, Seč u Chrudimi, 18-19/9/2002, rok: 2002
A proposal of new indices for soil microbial ecotoxicology
Abstracts of SETAC 2001: 11th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe; 6-10 May 2001, Madrid, Spain, rok: 2001
Novel approach to monitoring of soil biological quality
Congress proceedings of SECOTOX 2001: Sixth European Conference on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Krakow - Poland, 20-24 August 2001, rok: 2001
Occurence, levels and trends in PTS soil contamination
Organic Soil Contamination 2001, SETAC Europe, rok: 2001
Occurence, levels and trends in PTS soil contamination in the Czech Republic
International Workshop on Assessment of the Quality of Contaminated Soils and Sites in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECú and New Independent States (NIS), rok: 2001
Project IDRIS II - The development of expert system for ecological risk assessment
SETAC Europe Congress, rok: 2001
Quality of the natural environment in the Czech Republic at the regional level. Results of the Košetice Observatory
Rok: 2001, počet stran: 189 s.
Hodnocení provozu D1 Praha - Brno na vybrané složky životního prostředí
Proceedings of ERA 2000: Hodnocení rizik pro životní prostředí, rok: 2000